See the Instructions for general information.
Fixed an error with the millibar pressure setting.
Added additional time tags for the by hour and by day data:
{tww_observation_dec_hH} | Observation Decimal Day (0-1) for hour H |
{tww_observation_time_hH} | Observation Time (hh:mm) (0-23 hours, zero padded) for hour H |
{tww_observation_12time_hH} | Observation Time (hh:mm) (1-12 hours, zero padded) for hour H |
{tww_observation_year_hH} | Observation Year (yyyy) (zero padded) for hour H |
{tww_observation_month_hH} | Observation Month (mm) (1-12, zero padded) for hour H |
{tww_observation_dom_hH} | Observation Day-of-Month (dd) (1-31, zero padded) for hour H |
{tww_observation_hour_hH} | Observation Hour (hh) (0-23, zero padded) for hour H |
{tww_observation_12hour_hH} | Observation Date (hh) (1-12, zero padded) for hour H |
{tww_observation_minute_hH} | Observation Minute (mm) (0-59, zero padded) for hour H |
{tww_observation_period_hH} | Observation Period (pp) (am or pm) for hour H |
{tww_observation_1period_hH} | Observation Period (p) (a or p) for hour H |
{tww_observation_year_dD} | Observation Year (yyyy) (zero padded) for day H |
{tww_observation_month_dD} | Observation Month (mm) (1-12, zero padded) for day H |
{tww_observation_dom_dD} | Observation Day-of-Month (dd) (1-31, zero padded) for day H |
Added code to ask for the permissions it needs.
Fixed a bug that caused hourly and daily tags to not be set to {tww_empty} when there was no value.
Copyright notice update.
Fixed a bug that caused {tww_temperature_apparent_h5} to always be empty.
Fixed an occasional error in the moonrise and moonset time formats.
Fixed errors in a few of the date formats that I introduced in the last release.
All times now include a 12time variant that provides it as a 12-hour value with am or pm at the end (hh:mmpp). All dates now include separate tags for year, month, and day-of-month. All times now include separate tags for hour (0-23), 12hour (1-12), minute (0-59), period (am or pm), and 1period (a or p).
Fixed an error with the decimal versions of the rise and set times. Also added a date tag for rise and set times.
Removed scheduling delay on Astronomy update.
Minor changes to help keep the app active in the background.
Minor fixes. Eliminated warning about deprecated HTTP Get operation.
All instances of "usno" within tags have been replaced with the more general term "astronomy".
Now getting moonrise and moonset data from The Norwegian Meteorological Institute (MET Norway).
Now using sunrise, sunset, and moon phase data from Dark Sky. This data had been coming from the US Naval Observatory, but I have switched sources sincde that is now down for several months. I am still looking for a new source for moonrise and moonset data.
The app now limits the error counts to a maximum of 99.
Rebuilt with a newer version of the development tool.
Fixed an error that caused the hourly data not to appear in the Watchmaker tags.
Rebuilt the code with Android Pie (version 9.0) as the target version.
Fixed a fatal bug that was introduced in the last update.
Fixed a bug where the hourly and daily pressure values did not honor the new {tww_units_pressure} setting.
Replaced the new {tww_units_millibars} with {tww_units_pressure}. The values it currently supports are "default" and "mb". It allows you to override the default English and Metric units to specify millibars as the unit of air pressure.
Added {tww_units_millibars} to allow users of English units to specify air pressure in millibars instead of inHg.
Rebuilt the code with a newer version of Tasker. Fixes a memory leak and other issues.
The app now updates astronomy data only once every two hours instead of every time it updates weather data.
The moon age is now determined from USNO data.
Improved on timeout problems when processing larger amounts of data.
Added optional hourly data tags. See the Instructions for details on the hourly tags.
Minor improvements and fixes.
Removed a diagnostic popup that should not have been in the released code.
Configuration settings are now written to a file so they can be read back in when Tasker restarts. This should end the need to re-enter your API Key.
Added several general info tags for WU.
Formatted the documentation to improve readability and made the documentation available within the app.
Improved documentation. Added a basic explanation of the Permissions that are needed and how to view error messages.
Support for a higher target API, which allows it to be distributed through Google Play.
Minor fixes.
More minor improvements and fixes.
Minor improvements and fixes.
Fixed an issue that could cause the {tww_update_epoch}, {tww_update_dec}, {tww_update_date}, and {tww_update_time} tags to reflect the previous update instead of the most recent.
Added the {tww_empty} tag which can be compared to other tww_ tags to see whether they contain values. {tww_empty} currently contains a single space, which is what was already being used to represent empty tags, but this provides a slightly more flexible and elegant way of achieving the same result. This does not require any changes to your existing code.
Minor performance improvements.
Fixed an issue that was sometimes caused data not to be sent to Watchmaker.
Fixed issues with some daily values that were not being sent to Watchmaker.
Removed 12-hour versions of time tags:
{tww_check_time12} | Time (hh:mmap) (zero padded) |
{tww_update_time12} | Time (hh:mmap) (zero padded) |
{tww_observation_time12} | Time (hh:mmap) (zero padded) |
{tww_usno_check_time12} | Time (hh:mmap) (zero padded) |
{tww_usno_update_time12} | Time (hh:mmap) (zero padded) |
{tww_moon_rise_time12} | Moon Rise time (hh:mmap) (zero padded) |
{tww_moon_set_time12} | Moon Set time (hh:mmap) (zero padded) |
{tww_sun_rise_time12} | Sun Rise time (hh:mmap) (zero padded) |
{tww_sun_set_time12} | Sun Set time (hh:mmap) (zero padded) |
Added 12-hour versions of time tags:
{tww_check_time12} | Time (hh:mmap) (zero padded) |
{tww_update_time12} | Time (hh:mmap) (zero padded) |
{tww_observation_time12} | Time (hh:mmap) (zero padded) |
{tww_usno_check_time12} | Time (hh:mmap) (zero padded) |
{tww_usno_update_time12} | Time (hh:mmap) (zero padded) |
{tww_moon_rise_time12} | Moon Rise time (hh:mmap) (zero padded) |
{tww_moon_set_time12} | Moon Set time (hh:mmap) (zero padded) |
{tww_sun_rise_time12} | Sun Rise time (hh:mmap) (zero padded) |
{tww_sun_set_time12} | Sun Set time (hh:mmap) (zero padded) |
Added redundant tags for icon names:
{tww_icon} |
{tww_forecast_icon} |
{tww_week_icon} |
{tww_icon_d?} |
Minor fixes to WU support.
Minor improvements to the documentation.
Added new location tags:
{tww_observation_location} | GPS Coordinates (latitude,longitude) |
{tww_observation_latitude} | Latitude |
{tww_observation_longitude} | Longitude |
{twu_location} | {tww_observation_location} |
{twu_area} | blank |
{twu_city} | blank |
{twu_state} | blank |
{twu_country} | blank |
Minor improvements to the user interface. Change to the values used for the {tww_daily} and {tww_wu} tags (from true/false to on/off).
New tags:
{tww_days} | Days of daily data available |
{twu_periods} | Periods of daily data available through WU tags |
Fixed major bug with update scheduling. Updates should now be reliable.
Added additional tags for forecast by day. Added the corresponding WU compatible tags.
Here are the new tags:
{tww_wind_speed_d?} | Wind Speed (mph or kph) for day ? |
{tww_wind_bearing_d?} | Wind Bearing (degrees) for day ? |
{tww_wind_gusts_d?} | Wind Gusts Speed (mph or kph) for day ? |
{tww_visibility_d?} | Visibility distance (mi or km) for day ? |
{tww_cloud_cover_d?} | Cloud Cover percentage (0-100) for day ? |
{tww_cloud_cover_dec_d?} | Cloud Cover decimal (0-1) for day ? |
{tww_uv_index_d?} | UV Index for day ? |
{tww_ozone_d?} | Ozone (Dobson units) for day ? |
{tww_precip_probability_d?} | Probability of Precipitation percentage (0-100) for day ? |
{tww_precip_probability_dec_d?} | Probability of Precipitation decimal (0-1) for day ? |
{tww_precip_type_d?} | Precipitation Type for day ? |
{tww_precip_rate_d?} | Precipitation Rate for day ? |
{twu_pop_p?} | {tww_precip_probability_d?} |
{twu_qpf_p?} | {tww_precip_rate_d?} |
Some of tags added in the previous versions did not have correctly-rounded values. That has been fixed.
Added additional tags including some for forecast by day. Added the corresponding WU compatible tags.
Here are the new tags:
{tww_week_descrition} | Text description of conditions for the week |
{tww_week_icon_ds} | Dark Sky icon name for the week |
{tww_week_icon_ds_id} | Dark Sky icon ID for the week |
{tww_week_icon_wm_id} | Watchmaker icon ID for the week |
{tww_week_icon_wu_id} | Weather Underground icon ID for the week |
{tww_week_icon_ww_id} | Weather for Watchmaker icon ID for the week |
{tww_description_d?} | Text description of conditions for day ? |
{tww_icon_ds_d?} | Dark Sky icon name for day ? |
{tww_icon_ds_id_d?} | Dark Sky icon ID for day ? |
{tww_icon_wm_id_d?} | Watchmaker icon ID for day ? |
{tww_icon_wu_id_d?} | Weather Underground icon ID for day ? |
{tww_icon_ww_id_d?} | Weather for Watchmaker icon ID for day ? |
{tww_temperature_high_d?} | High Temperature for day ? |
{tww_temperature_low_d?} | Low Temperature for day ? |
{tww_humidity_d?} | Humidity percentage (0-100) for day ? |
{tww_pressure_d?} | Pressure (inHg or hPa) for day ? |
{twu_description_p?} | {tww_description_d?} |
{twu_icon_p?} | {tww_icon_ds_d?} |
{twu_icon_id_p?} | {tww_icon_wu_d?} |
{twu_wm_icon_id_p?} | {tww_icon_wm_d?} |
{twu_temperature_high_p?} | {tww_temperature_high_d?} |
{twu_temperature_low_p?} | {tww_temperature_low_d?} |
Added a button on the main screen to toggle between English and Metric units.
Fixed several issues related to the main display screen and the About screen.
Removed three relatively unimportant tags from the app:
{tww_moon_luminosity} |
{tww_moon_luminosity_dec} |
{tww_moon_phase} |
Fixed a problem with the sun and moon times for rise and set.
I had not read the documentation for the USNO API closely enough. Under certain conditions it does not provide a couple of the secondary values (fracillium and phase). That happened today and broke that part of the code.
Major improvements to the user interface. You can now start or stop the app and request an immediate update from the main screen. There is also a separate error screen that shows more error information. Added a link to the Dark Sky API Key label that will take you to the Dark Sky site where you can request a key.
Minor improvements. Added truncation to many values that could otherwise have unwanted decimals.
Fixed several WU values that were being calculated but not passed to Watchmaker.
Initial release.
Copyright © 2018-2020 by Bob Quinlan