The top sub-dial shows a yellow sunrise hand, an orange sunset hand, and a white current 24-hour time hand. A shorter green hand will display UTC GMT time if you enable it in Settings.
The moon is shown in its current phase. An arc around the moon indicates its current age and can be turned on and off in Settings.
A digital time display next to the top sub-dial can be turned on and off in Settings. The digital time will also appear whenever the hands are not showing the time.
The bottom sub-dial is the stopwatch with hands for hours, minutes, and seconds. When not reset there will also be digital displays that include hundredths.
The lower right sub-dial shows charge levels for the watch and phone.
The upper left sub-dial shows the wind direction. The digital inset indicates the wind speed.
The lower left sub-dial shows the relative humidity on the left and the air pressure on the right.
The far left icon shows the forecast for the current day. You can choose between that and an icon for the current conditions in Settings. A tiny "c" will appear above if it is showing current conditions.
The inner left numbers show the forecast high and low on the top and bottom. In between to the left is the current temperature. Under appropriate conditions the wind chill or heat index temperature will appear to the right. The degree symbol for the current temperature will also change to blue for colder or red for hotter apparent temperatures. The wind chill and heat index value can be turned on and off in Settings.
If you are using the WM Phone Notification Mode app, available at, your phone's notification mode will be shown near the inner end of the top hour mark on the outer dial. A pair of bars in a V-shape indicate that the phone is set to vibrate-only mode. A single horizontal bar indicates that the phone is set to silent mode.
You can enable a compass display in Settings, although not all watches support it. If the watch is level a red pointer on the outer dial will indicate magnetic north. If the watch is not quite level the indicator will be yellow. If the watch is too far from level for a good reading a short yellow line will appear at the top to show that the compass mode is on.
Tapping the top sub-dial cycles through the Stopwatch, Info, Settings1, Settings2, and Tap Functions modes, then back to the normal time mode.
Tapping the moon will turn the whole watchface black. Any tap will retore it.
Tapping the center will move the main hands to a position where all sub-dials and windows are unobstructed. Tapping the center again will move them back. The hands will resume their positions automatically after one minute.
Tapping the bottom sub-dial will toggle your phone between normal and vibrate-only notifications modes if you are using the WM Phone Notification Mode app, available at
In Stopwatch mode tapping the bottom sub-dial starts or stops and tapping the center resets or splits. Tapping anywhere else on the face returns to the normal time mode.
The Info mode is a text display of weather and astronomical data. The current time is shown at the top. The observation time of the current weather data is shown at the bottom. Tap the Mode button at the top or anywhere nearby to move on to the Settings modes. Tap anywhere else to return to the main display.
The Settings1 and Settings2 modes allow you to customize the face. You can control which information is displayed. You can also change the colors of the foreground and background. Note that changing the background color also sets a compatible foreground color, so you will want to set the background color first and then modify the foreground color setting.
The Tap Functions mode displays what touching different areas of the face will do. You can use the tap functions in this mode, but they will also work in the normal time mode. Most of these are shortcuts that launch other applications on the watch.
Anyone who is comfortable with Watchmaker can define their own tap shortcuts. There are six pre-defined tap areas on the face. Look near the right end of the layer list for layer names that begin with "User Definable Tap Action". Each has two layers one for the tap action itself and one for the label. You can change the Tap Actions of those layers to whatever you want. You can also change the following label layers by simply editing the text.
Please email me if you have questions or run into problems. I will do what I can to help.
--Bob Quinlan